Approdi III Musical Avant-guards in Naples
A new collected record has been published, featuring Romina Daniele "Vero" from Diffrazioni Sonore
This year my biggest thanks goes to Girolamo De Simone with Konsequenz, who, with the publication of “Approdi III (The avant-garde in Naples)” gave “Diffrazioni Sonore” a third life. The first life of this first album of mine is related to the 2005 Demetrio Stratos Award, the second to the publication with Rdm Records in 2010. And here it is the third, with the song "Vero" from "Diffrazioni" chosen as a representation of the avant-garde in this important collection.
For the truth, Diffrazioni already existed before the Stratos Prize, along that unique path that lies directly ahead of us and is found, it seems, with difficulty only because it is so close. Diffrazioni, although dealing with concrete music, extended vocal techniques and improvisation, electronic composition of music, and, and, and… concerns me so directly that it touches my essence and makes it clear to me that all possible considerations and ramifications, when they intertwine, are themselves the direction, therefore vast, extensive, indeterminate, and made of different points of view. Not that my other productions are any less important, however, with my next album I will try to surpass Diffrazioni, because with the next two I had not set myself the goal and clearly did not succeed.