
All Romina Daniele's books are available with RDM Records & Books Publishing at RdmRecords.com & JadysDaniele's.com
Abstracts from the books are available from the Writings menu.
Previews are on Google Books as well.
All the essays published with the booklets records are available on this site at each records page.
Romina Daniele has been working on the book Solo Voice, essay on the vocal discourse since 2009. The essay has now became a more than 1000 pages epistemological essay. Release date to be announced.

Romina Daniele's books

Between 2011 and 2012 Romina Daniele worked at the Electro-acoustics Online Magazine (an RDM Records & Books project) based in Milan, and here there is a list of the written contents:

Living Voice - Workshop with Trevor Wishart (2011.07.30)

Acusmonium Sator Opening Report (2012.02.08)

On Melancholia, Lars Von Trier's (2011.12.06)

On Globalalia, Trevor Wishart's (2011.10.03)

On Montage by Sergej Ejznštejn (2011.09.09)

On the Audio-vision by Micheal Chion (2011.09.04)

Notes from early activity are available here

Abstract from "A Kind of Biography (essential autobiography)" (2006)

My blues soul (March 2006)

ArezzoWave Love Festival (July 2006)

Vocal Laboratory (July 2006)