New Interview Announcing a New Record
Bold Journey caught up with us again and our conversation was all about music

<<I’ve been composing electronic and experimental music for all my life, and the process of making art with technologies implies editing and mastering as much as the composing act itself, exactly like it does in making cinema and motion pictures. When you cut and compose by editing images and sounds, you’re offering to the world, as an author and director, your own view of the world. I work with sounds in the same way and in the same time I work on perception, consciousness, and the human abilities themselves.
I’ve always been involved with the literature investigative processes, and all I do is very bonded with the true meaning of philosophy, which, in my experience, is one thing with making art.>>
Full article from Bold Journey is following with the images and in PDF.

BOLD JOURNEY Magazine. January 25 2024.
We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Romina Daniele a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Romina, we’re thrilled to have you on our platform and we think there is so much folks can learn from you and your story. Something that matters deeply to us is living a life and leading a career filled with purpose and so let’s start by chatting about how you found your purpose.
My last compositional and recording project was released on December 24th, some years ago, under the name 'Spannung.' It is a triple CD audio with 31 tracks, a 36-page booklet, and 3 hours of music, between electronics and vocalism. It also includes three themes titled ‘Dasein’.
‘Dasein’ means Being-here: «Being the here»: «to be at stake of one's being into the being itself» as original responsibility to make authentic and ownmost sense. While ‘Spannung’ is the term with which Martin Heidegger indicates the opening, the space, the tension (and the yearning) of being in the size of the authenticity of existence.
Researching around Berlin, I also went into the photography field deeper and deeper. What I do is visual art with technologies, just as I do music and vocalism with technologies. I’ve been composing electronic and experimental music for all my life, and the process of making art with technologies implies editing and mastering as much as the composing act itself, exactly like it does in making cinema and motion pictures. When you cut and compose by editing images and sounds, you’re offering to the world, as an author and director, your own view of the world. I work with sounds in the same way and in the same time I work on perception, consciousness, and the human abilities themselves.
I’ve always been involved with the literature investigative processes, and all I do is very bonded with the true meaning of philosophy, which, in my experience, is one thing with making art.
Then, multimedia and philosophy are one thing as well. That may seem granted as the world like it is nowadays, but technology does enter the world at a certain point, just a bit more than a century ago. And what it does, by entering the world, is a complete change of paradigm. Photography and cinema, as well as the recorded music, allow human beings, from that moment on, to reproduce the reality countless times. Like never before. All the fields of cultures changed completely. That’s why when I record a sound, I am aware the technologies I am using are the main material of the process, as much as the sound is. We do not just record music and life scenes as a happened and conclusive fact, then copying discs and discs. We record and process as long as we create and research.
Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
As you know, the fields I work in are many and the main ones are certainly three. RominaDanielePhotography.com is the third, but not the least. Going backward, my partner and I created Jadys Daniele’s in 2018 and RDM Records in 2010. All came from my original path of music and writings, and RominaDaniele.com is where you can learn more about that.
Jadys Daniele’s is the live music project we hosted in Miami Beach for the 2019 concert’s season, and it is now officially bonded with RDM Records. Our production label moved from Italy to the United States as well, and I am continuing working on my multimedia and philosophical research, widely open to many means such as writings, videos and photography production.
Since 2010, I have been actively involved in an ongoing Berlin project that encompasses a wide range of multimedia elements, and I have also embraced photography as a part of it. Around the same time I already started working on the book «Solo Voice, essay on the vocal discourse».
Voice is what there was at the beginning, a question of body and thought, the focus and the cornerstone, and there are no other places or sounds like that at all. Then music, but the entire process of doing art with all our materials-skills-fields-connnections) is an essential act concerning the apprehension for man and his work as well. The essay has now become a more than 1000 pages epistemological essay, and it is probably to be considered a lifetime work essay, comparable to Marcel Proust's opera.
I am conceiving a new music record project, and details will be announced.
There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
I believe my answer here is included in what I said so far. Philosophy and researching, technologies and composing, «being-the-here» as a main energy in action to create and understand, to share and spread.
The first aim you need to have to make true art is willing to work on the connections, between techniques and materials, levels of perceptions and the human being and the universe.
Skills, rules and abilities are strictly connected to the vocation of doing art, where the actual unique goal is to catch knowledge and to spread it for the good of yourself and the entire human being race.
The action of working and create is everything you are in (the way you do) and no subject can move you from the path (the things you can do). You can be «only one multitude» (RIF. Fernando Pessoa) with many techniques and branches. There will be no final purpose other than the main one which implies everything, the unique and most important, the one which remains — as a conscious and thinking being open to the connection with the purest and original sense of existence.
Okay, so before we go we always love to ask if you are looking for folks to partner or collaborate with?
I am continuously open to connect with other artists and musicians, as I always intend to promote every movement, thoughts and activities aiming at the research and experimentation. The meaning of being is to create. That is the very final meaning of the human being, the unique and most important, the one which remains.
As I talked extensively of my visual arts work as photographer lately with articles and interviews, and I wanted to announce about my new upcoming compositional and recording project with this writing today, I am listing here the links to my music production activity. All the connections will be listed as well.
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