Spannung Performance al Carroponte Milano
Press Release and Program for the 24th of July
JUNE 2011
Spannung Performance
Press Release
Sunday, July 24th, within an event patronized by Centro Musica Contermporanea and in collaboration with Arci, Romina Daniele (winner of the international Demetrio Stratos Award for vocal research in 2005 and 2007 and Arci Award for experimental music in 2011) is performing at Carroponte, a big stage in the Milan area.
Romina Daniele during this show is going to present some compositions contained in "Spannung", her new compositional project released by RDM Records.
"Spannung" draws its title from the term used by philosopher Martin Heidegger to indicate the tension of being.
Along with the studies carried on for more than ten years, on the one hand music with new technologies is elected as a resarch means on man, on the other hand voice is the most powerful and direct means of human expression.
This resarch path starts with "Diffrazioni Sonore" (2005), a complex recording project focused on the relationship between vocal improvisation and sound composition set through technologic tools. Then it goes on with "Aisthànomai", The Tragedy of Consciousness, (2008) that delves into relationships between poetry and studio sound composition. In the end it comes to a formal and unpublished performance, "Spannung".
Reference to genre, from blues to contemporary music, takes place in a ground which is focused on research on sound and sound composition, both in vocals and electronic music.
The essay and presentation of the performance including detailed information about the NEW PROJECT (which will be out soon) are online at Spannung page.