Upcoming concert at the Sala Puccini of the Conservatory

Update on October concerts




JUNE 2007

Coming Up:

Movida70 in Conservatorio

As part of the Movida70 (of the Municipality of Milan) event, Romina Daniele performance at the “G. Verdi” - Sala Puccini will take place on October 27th. Among the protagonists present: Patrizio Fariselli of Area.

October 27th from 9.00 pm/Flash Back

The concert scheduled for October 5th 2007 at the Carlo Zauli Museum in Faenza has been canceled, due to Romina's illness; but it will be recovered for another cycle of events. Romina thanks the Carlo Zauli Museum, the municipality of Faenza, the organization of the Festival in the person of Michele Francesconi, the "Evolved Cultural District" project.